This is a dog and this is his walker!
He likes sweets!
This is the bus to Charlotte's!
He likes chicken nuggets because he eats them so much
He's happy because you are happy
She likes sweeties and she has a big bag
she's god a big head
... a big head
He likes fish and eating dinosaurs. Only little ones tho
The like footballs, normal ones and American ones
he breathes fire
it breathes hard
this is his rocket, he is going to the moon to jump. He likes jumping
he lives on the moon, he eats rocks and he lives in the rocks
he had his head shaved. he has no hair now but he has freckles
he lives on mars and eats fish, there are fish on mars, really!
they live in space and eat mud, aliens like mud
a whale. he loves fish and chips from the chip shop
he eats slugs and comes from cybertron
space pirate, he's in disguise and looking for treasure in his spaceship
he likes to eat red jelly, it goes everywhere
he comes from up there! yeah, in space